Saturday, October 7, 2023
Register online here
We have switched to online registration only this year. The random paper check, wad of cash, and sweaty race form got to be a little confusing so we decided to keep it in one place for simplicity.
Join us on Saturday, October 7th this year for the 9th annual 5k held at the Orchard! The run/walk will take you through the vineyard, the woods, apple, and pear trees. It’s the one of the most challenging course in the ADR series with almost constant elevation changes, a few creek crossings, and twists and turns through the woods.
At the end you’ll get to replenish those lost carbs with cider and donuts at the finish line. One apple donut and one cup of cider = 2 servings of fruit right?
Registrations received before 9/30/23 will be guaranteed a race shirt. The race is part of the Ashtabula Distance Runners Grand Prix for 2022 and proceeds will benefit our local scholarship. We have awarded $500 in 2016, and $1000 in 2017 – 2023 to several local deserving students.
Timing provided by Stasny Road Racing.